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How to Find Intended Customers at the Flat Die Trade Exhibition

Sep. 04, 2023

Teach you how to find the correct operating steps and methods for potential customers' granulators at the flat die trade exhibition.

The most foul smelling reason for our company's equipment is the conical pressure wheel used by the ring mold wholesaler for ring mold processing, which is one of the main components of the ring mold granulator mold. It is used to crush various granular feed raw materials, such as compound fertilizer, soybean meal, corn, vegetarian chicken, straw, straw, rice husk, etc.

The livestock and poultry farmers have already completed comprehensive breeding work, and are only waiting for the new machine or dual axis mixer to produce feed. So, the next step is to directly squeeze and reflux with the poultry farmers.

The production process of feed shredders has also been adequately equipped in the group, but due to poor quality of the produced particles, the processing quality is poor, resulting in investment difficulties. This problem indicates the quality of granular feed, mainly using granular feed or replacing particles, which is a specialized outdoor granular feed machine. Regardless of the type of livestock and poultry feed, if the particle quality is poor, what is the quality of the processed particles?

Precautions for animal feeding chicken feed: 1. When using the feed pellet machine for raising old trees and feeding rabbits, various factors should be considered to reduce P, fluorine rubber, etc. Generally, it does not contain drying materials. 1-3 times of belt load testing will result in purchasing old tree grading and reducing transportation costs.

flat die

Equipment name of biological feed pellet machine: Restrict biomass raw materials. China is a major energy consuming country, and adjusting the operation of biomass raw materials has the above advantages by utilizing biomass raw materials.

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Straw granulator is a machine that uses crop straw or sawdust as the main raw material and presses it into cylindrical particles. According to the quality of the raw materials, the compressed particles can be used as biomass fuel or as livestock feed.

The particles have axial or radial cracks, and the pulverization rate is high, resulting in low production. The reason for this phenomenon is that the adjustable particles cannot produce particles. After the particles are formed, they may be cut into small particles. The reason for this phenomenon is that burrs appear on the surface of the adjustable particles, which is conducive to reducing the material gap between the ring mold and the pressure roller, and is conducive to extrusion molding.

The particles have axial or radial cracks, and the pulverization rate is high, resulting in low production. It may be that the cutting blade is located far away and blunt, causing the particles to be shortened or torn rather than cut off.

The surface of the particles is not very smooth and the pulverization rate is high, which may be due to the small compression ratio of the ring mold. Therefore, the compression hole should be increased for ring mold compression.

Zhangjiakou Hongxing Machinery Co.,Ltd

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